We have zero tolerance for corruption — GM, LASTMA


Bakare Oki-Olalekan is the General Manager of the Lagos State Transport Management Agency (LASTMA). He spoke with EJIKEME OMENAZU on the agency’s relationship with transport unions, allegations of extortion by officers of the agency among others. Excerpt:

Can we know you briefly?

I attended Lagos State University (LASU). I have my first degree in His­tory and International Studies. I had my Master’s degree in Transportation and Planning. I am a chartered mem­ber of Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transportation. I am a Fellow of Institute of Public Administration. I am also a member of Chartered Insti­tute of Transportation Administration (CIOTA).

Since you assumed office in Novem­ber last year, what would you say have been your achievements?

So far, so good. I want to believe it is an ongoing thing as the popular saying goes, Rome was not built in a day and a thousand miles start with a step. We have been able to do so many things. Firstly, when I was appointed in November last year, my team and I started an aggressive human capacity building. WE have been organising training, retraining and re-orientation of my men for better perfor­mance on the road. We also prioritised human relations so that we can be able to reposition the agency. We are bent on changing the narrative. This has been yielding results. We equally believe in getting feedback, especially complaints from the motoring public. That was why we launched the Toll-Free line on July 9, last month. We urge the public to report any infractions on the road through this Toll Free Line – 080000785262 . The line is open from 8am -10 pm and from Monday to Saturday. People can speak to us in Yoruba, English or Pidgin. On the same day, we opened a Complaint Work­ing Centre at the Head Office. This is an opportunity for people to come to us and give suggestions that can improve our service delivery. We equally upgraded our Research and Statistics Department in order to get adequate data of all our activities. Because of our data bank, we know that from January to July this year, approximately 10,675 vehicles were impounded. Out of this figure, 6379 of vehicles impounded belong to commer­cial buses commonly known as (danfo), while the remaining are private vehicles which includes cars, trucks and trailers.

What was your vision for the job when you took over?

Apart from my vision, LASTMA is mandated to ensure seamless movement of goods and services from point A to B at a reasonable travel time on all Lagos roads. The agency is also to stimulate the economic growth of the State and by extension the whole country and to promote safety and security on Lagos roads and that’s our core mandate.

How are you synergising with the other law enforcement agencies?

We have a robust and cordial relation­ship with all law enforcement agencies whenever our paths cross. Whenever there is an accident, the Police, Lagos State Ambulance (LASAMBU), Service and other related agencies always come together.

What is your relationship with the various motor unions: the NURTW, RTREAN, etc in the state?

During the ember months last year we set up 55 members Female Elite Corp. They were mandated to embark on massive public enlightenment advo­cacy across the five divisions of the state. They visited all the garages. Apart from holding meetings with the stakeholders like NURTW and RTREAN, they also en­gaged the drivers on one on one, talking to them in all Nigerian languages. We have a staff of 4000 work force compris­ing tribes from all the major languages in the country – Hausa, Igbo, Ijaw, or what have you. In the Ember months we do invite their leaders engaging them in pep talks on how they can help and enhance transportation movements in the State.

There were allegations that some of your officers exhort money from commercial drivers and motorists in general. What is your take on this?

Part of our mandate when I assumed office in November, included prioritising discipline among the rank and file. We have zero tolerance for corruption. My team and I set up a Provost Unit to curb the excesses of our men. We also set up a Surveillance Unit in which we send members of the unit out in mufti like undercover in order to arrest our erring officers. This is yielding results. In the last 10 months, we have demoted 20 offi­cers, dismissed eight officers and given strict warning letters to more than thirty officers according to the State’s Public Service rules and regulations. I assure you, it is an ongoing exercise.

What is your message to the motor­ing public in Lagos State?

My gospel message to the motoring public in Lagos State is to see LASTMA officials as their friends. LASTMA offi­cers are not from foreign countries. They are citizens of Lagos in particular and Nigeria in general. They should know we are on the road to improve their travel time. We are on the road to give a seam­less free flow of traffic when they are on the road. Motorists should equally obey traffic rules and particularly I request they should uphold safety at all times.

What are your guiding principles?

My philosophy is to serve humanity in any capacity I find myself. Everything is temporary. Life itself is temporary. We must live to serve humanity.


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