Eid-El-Kabir: CAN Sues For Peaceful Co-Existence

...says Nigeria facing challenging times


As Muslims all over the world celebrate Eid-el-Kabir, a festival symbolizing sacrifice, obedience, and faith, the  leadership of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) has urged Nigerians to embrace peace, forgiveness, reconciliation and be united especially in this period when the country was passing through some challenges.

President of CAN, Archbishop Daniel Okoh in a message to felicitate with Muslims on the special occasion, also urged Nigerians to “embody the values of sacrifice, obedience, and faith in our daily lives.

“Let us set aside our differences, heed the call for unity and peace, and trust in God’s promise for a better Nigeria. Our nation is in dire need of God’s mercy, peace, and unity.

“In the face of current challenges, let us unite in love, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Let us pray for divine intervention in our security, economic, and political struggles.

“May God’s comfort and strength support the displaced, the bereaved, and the traumatized.

“As the Muslim Ummah celebrate this festival, let us remember that our nation deeply needs God’s mercy, peace, and unity.

“Let us work together to build a Nigeria where all citizens can thrive, regardless of religion, tribe, or creed. Our diversity is strength, and together, we can overcome any obstacle.

“I call on all Nigerians to embrace peace, love, and forgiveness. Let us pray for divine intervention in our national struggles and strive towards building a united andy prosperous Nigeria.

“Let us remember the displaced, bereaved, and traumatized, offering them our support and solidarity.

“May God bless Nigeria and grant us peace, unity, and prosperity.”

New Telegraph

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